Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Cross-Curricular Planning

What is Cross-Curricular Planning?
Cross-curricular planning involves integrating math into/with at least one other subject. Teachers integrate different subjects together in order to promote interest and engagement among their students. Additionally, if a student is strong in a given area, let them use their area of strength to help them improve their area of weakness. For example, if students are doing well and enjoy Social Studies and are struggling in math, a teacher can address this issue by integrating the math into a Social Studies lesson or task so that the math becomes blended with the Social Studies.

With that being said, some teacher do seem to have difficult to integrate subjects together even though they shouldn't. Look at the picture below of the crayons. Notice anything about this picture? Each crayon is overlapping or touching another crayon just like each subject touches or has areas that overlap each other. Knowing this should make teachers feel more at ease when they try to integrate several subjects together.

What does this look like?
Since there are several different subjects, there can multiple ways that a teacher can integrate subjects with one another. From Social Studies and Math to Art and Gym, most (if not all) subjects can be integrated together. If you are still are having troubles, check out the example links I posted below.

 The Ontario Math Curriculum: Grades 1-8 (page 27 for Cross-Curricular Planning)
Math Art Projects (look closely at the Zoo Habitat Design) - Science and Math
Going on a Shape Hunt - Math and Language

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